Erhebliche Fortschritte bei Gesundheit und Sicherheit in Indien
Alfa Laval verpflichtet sich, eine sichere, gesunde und attraktive Arbeitsumgebung zu schaffen. Hier heben wir die Fortschritte bei Gesundheit und Sicherheit in den Aktivitäten von Alfa Laval in Indien hervor.
DATUM 2023-11-28Alfa Laval is committed to providing a safe, healthy and attractive working environment for its employees and others entering its work premises. Behaviour is one important element to improve the occupational health and safety performance, and operations in India has worked with Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) since 2013. The aim of implementing BBS is to increase employee understanding of the importance of attitude and behaviour to minimize risks and accidents. Since Alfa Laval started to work with BBS in India they have made significant improvements, for example the number of injuries have decreased by 63 percent in 2017 compared to 2014.
“People's behaviour makes a significant difference in the safety of our premises. The implementation of Behavioural Based Safety in India has significantly contributed to reducing injuries and improved employee engagement on our health and safety excellence journey,” says Sanjay Marne, Health, Safety and Environment Manager, India Operations.
The sites in India have received many awards for their initiatives and safety work. The site in Pune, India, was recently awarded for their work with a fire protection system and a hazard management program. The sites in India were recognized with the Alfa Laval Performance Award in 2016 partly thanks to their safety improvements and the region also received an award for the best Health, Safety and Environment Initiatives in 2015.
One of the reasons for the positive development in India has been the focus on training and education. During 2017, the Sarole factory in India worked with a safety leadership program to drive safety responsibility and accountability across all levels. The training program for leaders has been very successful. The focus now is to implement sustainability awareness program comprising of safety and energy for all employees.
Alfa Laval's safety vision is "We return home safely – every day". This vision means that the ambition is to have a workplace free from injuries and illnesses. The vision means a lot to Sanjay Marne: "I feel our vision is very strong and positively connected with our personal life. It depicts a culture where we take care of each other and all employees return to their loved ones without getting hurt, every single day. This is extremely important and I'm very motivated to continue to enhance the organizations health and safety performance."
Sanjay Marne, HSE Manager, India Operations
Did you know?
- The International Labour Organization (ILO) started observing the World Day for Safety and Health at Work in 2003. The ILO is devoted to advancing opportunities for people to obtain decent and productive work regarding freedom, equity, security and human dignity.
- Every day, people die as a result of occupational accidents or work-related diseases – more than 2.78 million deaths per year. Additionally, there are some 374 million non-fatal work-related injuries and illnesses each year. (ILO, 2017)
Alfa Laval leistet seinen Beitrag zu den Global Goals
Die Vereinten Nationen haben 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Global Goals) für 2030 verabschiedet, zu deren Erreichung sich die Staats- und Regierungschefs verpflichtet haben. Nun liegt es an Unternehmen wie unserem, den Weg dorthin zu beschreiten.
Erfahren Sie, wie das Kerngeschäft von Alfa Laval zu den Global Goals beiträgt
Global Goal 8
The Global Goal 8 is to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Decent working conditions and safety are a highly prioritized area both in our own operations and in the demands we sets on our suppliers.