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Das Here-Magazin bringt Ihnen die neuesten Erkenntnisse, Analysen und Inspirationen aus der Welt von Alfa Laval - und darüber hinaus. Mit dem Schwerpunkt darauf, wie Prozesse verbessert werden können, um Energie zu sparen und die Umwelt zu schützen, werden hier globale und lokale Herausforderungen und die Innovationen und Lösungen, mit denen sie angegangen werden können, beschrieben. Möchten Sie eine ältere Ausgabe per Post zugeschickt bekommen, dann schreiben Sie uns gerne eine E-Mail an die

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No. 36 / 2018/2019

SPECIAL EDITION: Sustainability

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No. 35 / 2017

THEME: The new service paradigm
Why service is now less about spares and repairs and more about solving customers’ problems.

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Here magazine No. 34No. 34 / 2015

THEME: The water challenge
How technology can help ensure there is enough water for everyone on the planet.

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Here magazine No. 33No. 33 / 2014

THEME: Feed the world
Technology's pivotal role in feeding the world's 9.6bn people by mid-century.

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Here magazine No 32No. 32 / 2013

THEME: GAS. Redrawing the energy map
Technological advances have lead to a natural gas boom that could have widespread global effects.

THEME GAS. Safety priority one
The risk of incidents is ever present, so how does the gas industry tackle its safety challenges?

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Here magazine No 31No. 31 / 2012

THEME: Sustainable business
A sustainable business agenda is good for the planet and the bottom line.

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Here magazine No 30No. 30 / 2011

THEME: Clean and green
New technological solutions help the shipping industry tackle environmental threats at sea.

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Here magazine No. 29No. 29 / 2011

THEME: Brazil's future within its grasp
As Brazil's economy booms, the Latin powerhouse is heading for world leadership in biofuels.

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Here magazine No. 28No. 28 / 2010

THEME: Natural refrigerants
The dawn of natural refrigerants

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Here magazine No. 27No. 27 / 2010

THEME: Closing the loop
Technological innovations have led to radical new urban sustainability initiatives. But what are the barriers to a sustainable city, and how close are we to the dream?

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Here magazine No. 26No. 26 / 2009

THEME: Can we clean coal?
Massive research is taking place to reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants. Several new technologies are in the pipeline.

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