Next Generation Food
Sustainable solutions for tomorrow’s harvest
Alfa Laval provides unmatched separation expertise for the changing food landscape. Our separator innovations bring scalability, profitability, and sustainability to next-generation food processes like cellular agriculture.
A reliable partner in cellular agriculture
Alfa Laval provides efficient separation of the most difficult cell cultures – together with the expertise and technology for safe and smooth scale-up.
A century of cell harvesting experience
Alfa Laval has developed ever-more advanced cell culture separation solutions. Today, we are at the leading edge of separation in biotech and cellular agriculture.
What sets Alfa Laval apart
Hermetic Design and Bactofuge are two technologies ideal for cellular agriculture. You only find them in Alfa Laval separators.
Solving your challenges across borders
Alfa Laval can draw on a global footprint and skilled local teams to ensure that your separation solution is thoroughly tested and validated before you invest in it.
Why separation testing?
In-depth analysis and hands-on testing are the best way to ensure that your separation solution meets every demand. Get an overview of testing capabilities offered by Alfa Laval.
The testing journey
From lab-scale testing to large scale production: your testing journey is tailored to your needs, with expert guidance at every step. The journey can be short or long depending on your challenges.
Alfa Laval Food lab
In our Food lab, separation experts do R&D testing for future separation solutions as well as customer testing using customer feedstock. Our experts work closely with customers and have experience with most food applications out there.
Experts at your service
In our Material, Technology & Chemistry lab, certified specialists secure that the right material is used in our products. If you have a challenging separation task, they can support in identifying the separability of your product.
Explorer: the universal test unit
The Explorer is a very flexible test separator that allows you to test the Alfa Laval portfolio on a small-scale. The results in lab and pilot scale are fully scalable to larger machines. It is the “Swiss army knife” of test separators.
Get your answers onsite
You can rent test equipment from us for onsite testing. You then get to know the equipment before you make the investment. Alfa Laval test separators are suitable for food, biopharma and energy applications.
Entdecken Sie unsere Innovationen
Möchten Sie mehr über unsere Innovationen in der Separationstechnologie erfahren? Klicken Sie auf den untenstehenden Link. Alfa Laval hat den ersten Tellerseparator erfunden und seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert bei der Entwicklung der Zentrifugentechnologie die Nase vorn. Gerne teilen wir mit Ihnen das Know-how, das wir uns seither aneignen konnten. Besuchen Sie unsere Separator Innovator-Wissensdatenbank, um mehr über die Fortschritte bei der Separation zu erfahren - und welche Schritte Alfa Laval geht, um die Technologie noch weiter zu revolutionieren.