Best of two worlds at Rebellion Beer Company
In 2014/2015, Rebellion Beer began a programme of major development and changes. This included a three-stage plan to consolidate their remarkable commercial success by using the latest technology to boost production capacity and flexibility while at the same time focusing on sustaining and improving product quality and consistency, in order to maintain the levels of craftsmanship and prize-winning quality for which Rebellion Beer has become renowned.
DATE 2023-11-28Rebellion Beer Company Ltd. in Marlow, Buckinghamshire is part of a game-changer groundswell of new craft breweries that have been emerging in the United Kingdom ever since the 1980s.
As part of the company’s policy of reviving and renewing a high-quality local brewing tradition in Marlow, pretty much all their initial equipment came from other local regional breweries that had shut down.
Rebellion Beer had previously adopted the traditional approach to beer clarification, using the combination of finings and time to settle the yeast in the beer. However, this resulted in substantial beer losses and the settling process took a long time, thus becoming a production bottleneck. Rebellion Beer also wanted to improve the consistency of the company’s output, to help ensure both better marketability and maximum customer satisfaction.
The company therefore selected a BREW 80 separator module from Alfa Laval as a modern-technology solution to its craftsmanship-focused requirements. Built around a high-speed centrifugal separator, this solution is well-suited for quickly and effectively clarifying beer after fermentation and before maturation and filling, and for Rebellion the compact configuration and small footprint of the BREW 80 made it ideal.
Brew 80
The separation module is particularly suitable for clarifying:
- Beer after fermentation
- Beer after maturation
- Near bright styles
Customer's voice
I believe that craft brewing on a relatively small scale as we do, is still a traditional art creating distinctive characterful beers using the time-honoured brewing methods but coupled with elements of modern technology, such as the Brew 80.
Co-owner Mark Gloyens,
Rebellion Beer Company Ltd. Marlow, Buckinghamshire, UK
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Read the whole story about Rebellion Bee
Alfa Laval Brew 80: Die richtige Wahl für leidenschaftliche Bierbrauer
Alfa Laval Brew 80 ist ein Plug-and-Play-Zentrifugenmodul für Kapazitäten bis zu 50 hl/Stunde. Es ermöglicht kleinen Brauereien den Einsatz von Alfa Laval Separationsinnovationen zur Steigerung des Ertrags und der Qualität Ihrer Biere – einschließlich unserer einzigartigen axialen hermetischen Dichtung, welche die Sauerstoffaufnahme minimiert. Brew 80 ist leistungsstark und effizient – mit ausreichend Kapazität, damit auch dem Wachstum Ihrer Brauerei nichts im Wege steht.